First of all, what is white flour bread? It is a baked product of the shape of an oblong; it is fluffy and made of wheat flour. Standard ingredients of white flour bread are the following: wheat flour, water, oil, powdered milk, yeast; sometimes sugar, kefir, whole grain flour can be added. The energetic value of white flour bread can vary from 242 to 345 kcal per 100 g., therefore, depending on a type you can enjoy it as often as dark bread. White flour bread calories are easily absorbed, therefore, it will fit for those who work/play hard and a lot and for those who need energy.
All baked products of wheat flour are equally valuable if they are made of the highest quality flour and white flour bread without preservatives is one of them. In childhood many of us used to wait for the second sandwich with bread which used to be with cheese, sweet curd or jam, therefore, this product associates with bright memories and tasting.
All loaves of white flour bread made by UAB “Lašų duona” are with a delicious crust, soft, extremely fluffy, delicious, baked by following the oldest traditions and s special technology. The best white flour bread is made of darker flour (for example, a mix of rye and whole grain wheat flour), with various additives (bran, sage seeds, buckwheat, enriched with nutritional fibre and other). However, if you want to flavour your day, regular white flour bread will not harm especially if that bread is made by us because all our products are made with love and care.
We made a lot of types, therefore, you’ll find white flour bread not only for breakfasts or supper but also for festive sandwiches or dessert snacks. Make multi-story sandwiches and rediscover an amazing taste of fluffy bread.
Even the most fastidious customer will find bread from a lot of types according to taste, quality, and price. The price of bread depends on its type and ingredients as well as the weight of a product.