Šakotis – its origin and history
It was known that šakočiai are baked in Europe already in the fifteen decade. It was baked by monks and recipes were a secret. Today there are known about 60 recipes of šakotis pie. Šakočiai are also popular in Latvia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Portugal, Sweden, Turkey, Japan, and other countries. In each country, šakočiai differ in their look, form, number of branches and even taste and the composition. Every country has its traditional šakotis. The price also varies due to its height: the lower – the cheaper.
What is šakotis and how it ended in Lithuania? First of all, it is a high, hollow confectionery item which is made of many thin layers. Šakočiai are made of wheat flour, sugar, eggs, sour cream, and other ingredients. The dough poured on a turning roller drops and bakes on the heat at the same time. It is believed that šakotis ended in Lithuania during the beginning of the twenty-first age from Germany. In Germany, it is called “baumkuchen” – a pie-tree. It is called that because when different layers are poured, it can be seen that on šakotis there are flutes like those on trees. When šakotis is cut, you can calculate how many times the dough was poured. In some other regions of Lithuania, šakotis is called as raguolis, raguotis, bankuchenas. And that is because of the unusual German name and amazing look of this confectionery item. In Lithuania, the traditional form of šakotis is a spruce: bigger “branches” are on the bottom and smaller on the top. Probably every kid would want to break delicious little horns (thrones) as soon as possible.
Šakotis baking and composition
Firstly, šakočiai are special due to the way how they are made and their rich composition. Lithuanian šakotis is baked of wheat flour, many eggs, margarine or butter, flour, sugar or honey, and sour cream. The prepared dough is poured on a special roller which is above the fire or a stove. The roller is turned to form little horns. Then again a layer is poured and again it has to be baked until the layer becomes golden. This process is repeated many times until šakotis of a desirable diameter is baked. Some people try to repeat all the process of making šakotis at home; they bake it in the oven and pour the dough in thin layers in a flat vessel, however, to bake the real raguolis, a roller is a must. Thus the product baked at home can be only a cousin of šakotis.
For what occasions this confectionery item is suitable?
Šakotis is a festive confectionery item: it will fit for weddings, christening, birthday or other parties, get-togethers with friends. Nowadays nobody bakes šakotis at home: for that, there are bakeries which do all the work for you. When you’ll want to buy šakotis, you’ll be able to choose from the different weights of this product. If you plan weddings or christening, šakotis has to be ordered before several weeks. Ordering šakotis is a simple process: you call and say for how many people this confectionery item will be and if you want additional decorations. Buying UAB “Lašų duonos” šakočiai you’ll be sure that your bought pie is fresh and delicious – the true king of holidays. The price can be higher than other pies, however, it is because of the difficult baking process and better ingredients.
How to serve šakotis
This pie is usually served in pieces without anything else. It is a very great way, however, not the only one on how deliciously to use šakotis. Šakočiai can be filled with a whip or whipped cream. If there are broken pieces, you can use it for a wonderful cake tinginys (lazy cake) to make. Also, you can use šakotis crumbs for a layered dessert – some crumbs of šakotis, curd cream, and strawberries. Of course, the energetic value of šakotis is quite high, therefore, enjoy these desserts very carefully. If you want to send šakotis abroad not in pieces, fill its inside with sweets. If you want something exceptional, you can put pieces of šakotis into ice-cream, decorate it with berries and fruits – transform a boring dessert of several layers in a glass into a piece of art in a plate. Free your imagination that all these plates would be different as there are no identical horns on this confectionery item.
How to buy a quality šakotis?
Look for such šakotis which has very yellow and unbroken horns. You choose the size of šakotis. Šakotis pie can weigh from 400 to 4000 grams. “Lašų duona” can guarantee the quality of this confectionery item because we are one of not so many bakeries that grows crops and grinds wheat flour. Therefore, our bakeries are quality from sowing until getting confectionery items on your holidays’ table. We can guarantee that Lithuanian šakotis is the best pie in our market. The price will depend on the weight of a product.
The energetic value of šakotis
The energetic value of šakotis is 542 kcal per 100 g. It is a special festive confectionery item, therefore, it is not worth to count its calories. The biggest benefit of šakotis is its amazing taste and flavour and general festive mood, when you break it piece by piece. Try out amazing šakotis today!
Sweet, tiny and fluffy – these are cupcakes. They are especially liked by children because it is a confectionery item which is easy to eat with hands; usually, its sides are toasted and crispy and the inside is fluffy. UAB “Lašų duona” bakes several types of cupcakes: brownie cupcakes, cupcakes with carrots, cupcakes with raisins, delicious cupcakes and cocoa cupcakes. Everyone will find their favourite flavour. All cupcakes are very delicious, intense taste – even those who usually refuse desserts will like them. Enjoy them with a cup of tea or coffee and feel the melting taste in your mouth.
One of the most important ingredients of cupcakes is wheat flour. We are proud that at “Lašų duona” we grow and grind grains by ourselves, therefore, you get the highest quality product.
The energetic value of cupcakes is quite high: about 440 kcal per 100 g.